Tuesday, March 31, 2015

If the republicans can get a few more state legislatures to pass the Indiana stupidity law, they just might be able to start an Inquisition and brand people according to whichever hated group they appear to be a part of.

Monday, March 30, 2015

I keep hearing how states are running out of drugs to execute people.  Other than to impress the yokels, why would they need the elaborate set-up of tubes and vials and meters, etc. as well as up to five different drugs?  Every state has a confiscated stash of Heroin and last I heard Methadone and Morphine were in good supply.  I'm sure that any condemned person would prefer to drift away on a Morphine cloud rather than provide the show of a screw-up with the Rube-Goldberg contraption in use now.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Reading political articles and comments is not as much fun as it  used to be.  People just seem to be getting dumber by the day.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

I really can't understand why some people are not in jail.  I'm glad the Republicans don't have the ability to privatize Social Security or I would probably be worried about having the money to pay for my appointment next Tuesday.  

Friday, March 27, 2015

It's strange how the words conservative & conservatism have gained such negative connotations for so many people.  Except for die-hard tea bags and Fox news addicts.  Or the Daily Caller.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

With Jeb Bush aboard and Ted Cruz is sure that Obama-care will cover him if they run into a ditch along the way, the Republican Campaign Clown Car is ready to roll.  As soon as they another idiot with enough money to buy a seat.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Learned a lot about COPD from blogs written by people who've been fighting it for years.  One of the first is optimism and refusal to become reclusive or withdrawn or depressed.  Another is making sure vitamin D2 is at high levels.  Hemp Seed Oil is extremely beneficial.   A quantity of NAC has been known for over 40 years to enhance pulmonary function yet few doctors even know of it.  The chemical name is N-acetyl Cysteine.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ted Cruz running for president.  Surely no one is stupid enough to vote for this idiot.  But then remember Texans kept electing Rick Perry and then turned around and elected his clone Greg Abbott.  I keep remembering the Texas state senator who wanted to do away with all textbooks and teach directly from the bible.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Found some new blogs over the weekend that I want to review sometime today so unless some random thought strikes me that I'll remember tomorrow.  That's it for today.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Once again I was screwed by Walgreen's.   I thought, what could possibly go wrong?  My doctor was calling in a small script for an antibiotic she wanted me to take for 10 days.  Both she and her nurse told me it was generic with no co-charge.  I selected Walgreens as they are less than a mile away while all others are a good distance farther.  I called Walgreens and verified the medicine was there, was actually generic and there was no charge.  I called the office here and requested it be picked up and told them there would be no charge.  Walgreens spotted an easy mark, soaked the driver for $58.00 knowing they had just quoted me no charge and I would not have accepted the script. In the future, I'll do my drug business with Little Jamal in front of the Quirky-Mart.  He and his associates are straight shooters in price quotes and overall are more honest than Walgreen employees.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Found a site for an internet archive wayback machine that will search dead or discontinued sites and resurrect data from them.  It's true, anything posted on the internet will never go away.  It stays forever.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Applied for extra help with medicine from Social Security.  Asking for an extra $300.00 a month.   Whether I get it or not, it never hurts to ask since the money is there already allocated and one never knows what a bureaucrat will select from his stamp rack.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

For weeks the Iraqi's have been fighting Isis with US air support.  What was needed was more boots on the ground which the US wouldn't send;  we then asked our friends and allies for help.  All we heard was the sound of crickets.  Now it seems the needed help has come from the Iranian army.  With their help the Iraqi's are pushing Isis out of Iraq and winning.  Regardless that the Iranians are against Isis for religious reasons.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Everyone seems worried about Iran getting a nuclear bomb.  Off the top of my head I can think of nine countries that already have one, most of them unfriendly toward us.  In spite of our agreements. pacts and so forth, Iran will get a bomb.  If nothing else, Israel will sell them one.  They have plenty they've stolen from us they claim they don't have.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

With their all out effort to find anything to smear Hillary and knowing the Republican obsession with anything about the human body and  sex, I'm surprised they haven't gone to court to try obtaining her gynecologists records looking for a possible STD or even genital warts.  For a Republican anything will do.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Yesterday was constant interruption.  No one here can comprehend that a keyboard and monitor could possibly be used for anything other than a video game and I am constantly asked what game I'm playing.  I'm always pointing out and complaining about waste.  Not even the staff knows what I'm talking about when I say It's costing me money. This operation is not a church, a charity or State supported.  It is actually  a business enterprise.  An accounting audit will show a profit or loss.  Any waste reduces the profit and also the budget for repairs and improvements.  That affects me directly.  Too tired to write any more today,

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday and everybody is going to be here all day.  Have a few projects. Not much to tell today and I'll catch up tomorrow.

Friday, March 13, 2015

I've now managed to get most of the photos in my old Facebook page into a workable file and out of the Firefox cache,  There are many more photos posted prior to 2011.  I know they are there because I've caught glimpses of them while flipping through the cached files.  I still need to capture those images and integrate them with my new active file.                                                                                   I also need to create a video file to list them and arrange into a playlist accessible at will.  Another thing that used to be so simple.  I may use Real Player Cloud.  I need to think about it some more.          My roommate for some reason has stopped flushing the toilet in our bathroom.  I told him that the next time I went in there to wash myself and found the bowl full of feces, it was going to end up in somebody's bed.  I think it worked; the bathroom was clean this morning.  As big as he is, he's afraid of me.  And that's a good thing.     

Thursday, March 12, 2015

    When the Google web crawler visits a site and finds something changed, it takes a new picture for it's file.  That file contains both the latest shot as well as all interim shots going back to the first one.  If no changes are found for an extended time then the entire file is cached.  Now that last picture can be pulled up but nothing can be done to it.  I want to get the photos and data and move it to the new facebook site.

    Projects for today: work on setting up You Tube; find where to buy left handed stuff in Houston; work on moving rest of cached file to active.

      Wednesday, March 11, 2015

      Spent all morning trying to connect to net until finally discovering that someone had unplugged a router along the line.  So first thing, no mail.  Now trying to find a good way to access and view the blog.  There must be a simple way.  There is!  Found it.  Now to create a circle of people I care about.

      Tuesday, March 10, 2015

      Finally got to the table and set up. I have a lot to write and just have so many projects in progress.  I don't remember who remarked "so much to do, so little time".  You can find it by looking in your Bartlet's.  It describes me this morning.  I think the new I-watch will bomb completely and finally become Apple's Edsel.  I don't know though, maybe people are so stupid, they would wear a turnip strapped to their arm if it had a half eaten apple logo on it whether it was usable or not.  Time will tell.

      Monday, March 9, 2015

      Finally an address and initial set-up.  Took 1/2 day,  too tired to write anything today.  Still have to create a circle and list who can see it.  I don't write for anyone on the net, just for who might care.This is volume one and page 1.