Thursday, May 7, 2015

Clinton Cash Author

How is it that someone can write a book that is sold as non-fiction with the author stating up front he has no proof of any of any of the accusations he proceeds to level against Hillary Clinton and her husband.  Any person with the intelligence and comprehension of a mushroom and a knowledge of current events at a Sesame Street level can tell these conjectures of his are pure horse manure.  I always thought in spite of the first amendment there are laws against libel and slander which this book seems to break with every single page.  I also always thought the spirit of any law went back to the perpetrators intent which in this case was obviously to denigrate two people in gullible people's minds to influence an election campaign.  I don't think he would get away with it in England whose laws in this regard are much stricter than ours.  I may be wrong but if his book is published there and the Clinton's sued him there, The Clinton Foundation might be awarded a hefty donation.  Of course, the Koch brothers plan to spend billions on attempting to buy their way into the White House.  Everything conservatives try seems to have bad outcomes for them.  I think they will scheme themselves into oblivion finally. They seem well on the way now.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Why in the twenty-first century does the idea still persist there are people whose accident of birth entitles them to a life of luxury provided them by the working citizens of an entire nation?  Royal blood consists of the same elements as anybody else's.  Granted many of these people have had hemophilia, a blood condition believed to be caused by many years of in-breeding.  That fact is an argument against the concept itself.  But, what to do with them?  The French people solved their problem many years ago with invention of the guillotine.  By our standards, their solution is a little extreme for our day and age.  British royalty are a pretty benign bunch.  They really don't do very much except travel to America and bask in the admiration of the dumbest segment of our population, sharing in the celebrity status of movie stars, pro football players and mass murderers.  They really should have their allowance cut off and given some useful job to do.  They would probably feel much better about themselves and turn out to be fairly nice people.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Monday, May 4, 2015

Drones and missiles

Why is anyone upset about Drone missile strikes as opposed to aircraft missile strikes?  They are both fired by pilots with the exception that one pilot is riding along while the other may be thousands of miles away.  Is it a question of sportsmanship that an enemy can shoot back and kill one but not the other?  The whole concept of rules of war is insanity based i.e. you are allowed to load your gun with lead or steel jacketed bullets but not with exploding bullets,  Both can kill.  And dead is dead from either one as if there are degrees of being killed and dead.  It makes no sense whatever.  Is this whole controversy an attempt to make news where no news is?  

Sunday, May 3, 2015

capital punishment

I keep reading how states are having trouble obtaining the drugs used in executing people.  I personally am ambivalent on the whole process itself depending on the crime and incontrovertible proof of its commission.  In the case of the Boston bombing and the consequent damage to it's victims,  I don't know if death is the appropriate response.  Without any personal  ties to any of the victims or their families, the primal response of vengeance or retribution is not activated and a feeling of empathy pervades.  It's hard to make a case for life or death.  As far as the state doing the killing, the whole rigamarole involved is nothing more than a show for the audience and the public.  The Rube Goldberg contraption is totally unnecessary for administering anything through an IV which in itself is not necessary.  In reality, doctors often administer an overdose of morphine to patients in extreme pain from something like terminal cancer.  Morphine is seldom in short supply and I'm sure any person being executed would prefer to float away on a morphine cloud rather than the present system.  If it was me, I know I would.                      

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Marriage Equality

The case in  the Supreme Court now is to decide whether states have to honor another states decisions to allow same sex marriage and extend their own citizens  the right to live without harassment by law or authorities for their lifestyle.  The whole thing is nomenclature and the desire to regulate peoples other sexual behavior.  If two men or two women in the next house want to play with each others genitals, I can't see that hurts me or should affect me in any way.  Any agreement between any two people is a social contract that can be regulated or recognized by the state.  So a social contract between a man and a woman usually is referred to as a marriage.  Once a social contract is made and approved it doesn't need to be ratified, it just is by common law..  By custom, most people go to an official of the state or a religious organization to get it ratified by someone authorized by the state to do this.  The problem arises by personal belief in an other world personage called a god who possesses the power and ability to punish or reward behavior they feel it either condones or condemns.  Afraid of this imaginary punishment they feel compelled to try to bend everyone to believe as they do.  They do this by passing secular legislation that forces others to behave as they feel is necessary to avoid punishment.  What it all boils down to is prevent any person from following his or her nature and keep hands off any other genitals but their own and whatever gender is approved  of.  Get rid of the religious baggage and the problem of marriage equality will fold it's tent and silently disappear.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Back again,at last. In the past few months, I've been confronted with examples of reverse racism in places I wouldn't expect.  In one, I was interviewed in the hospital by a group home care owner in response to a hospital social worker inquiry.  She described in glowing terms how I would have my own room with food three times daily, TV & Internet access all for only $650.00 a month.  When she came in a room I shared with an old black man for a personal visit, she mistook him for me and her smile instantly fell when she realized I was the man she had been talking to.  She left quickly telling me she didn't have any literature with her but her husband would bring it by later.  Needless to say, he never showed up and her phone number never did answer again.  The second  was when a new resident came from Ohio.  He keeps switching channels to BET or MTV IV, another all black channel here in Houston.  We had an attendant here who used to bring movies, some black comedies that I enjoyed with a female actress who made me laugh so much my sides hurt.  But contemporary black dramas and shows contain so many allusions and innuendos from the black culture it's hard for a white person to understand or enjoy.  When James and the black attendant are laughing uproariously,  try as I might I can't see any humor in the dialog or situation.  James is very angry that his medicaid  from Ohio won't transfer to Texas and only pays about $400.00 less than Ohio paid.  It's all a plot against black people.  I don't expect James to stay in Texas for too much longer.  Tomorrow's topic is marriage equality.