Tuesday, April 19, 2016


  This morning at the breakfast table, someone sneezed and I immediately heard a chorus of  "bless you" and "God Bless you."  I thought about why.  Why should someone be blessed by others and a deity for clearing an irritant like dust or pollen from one's respiratory system?  Why should a rapid expulsion of air from one's mouth be any more sacred that the rapid expulsion of air from one's anus.  Yet no one blesses a fart.  Or a burp even though I've smelled burps worse than any fart.  I guess it's one of those unexplained religious things I'll never understand.
   I see also that a court judge has decided it's ok to sue a country that allegedly had citizens involved in a horrendous act that occurred 15 years ago. Years ago I read a statement about lawsuits that I find true over and over.  It said "you can sue Safeway over the price of a can of beans if you are willing to pay a lawyer."  As I've written before, because of past rulings, suing Saudi Arabia over 9/11 has less of a chance than suing Boeing.  Probably the Bush/Chaney administration had more responsibility for 9/11 than either Arabia or Boeing.  The only winner here is a law firm, as usual. 

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