Sunday, November 13, 2016

White trash in the White House

   When I was young I knew personally many of my relatives that were born in Europe and were acclimated to essentially foreign world views and cultures. They brought a lot of the values they learned as children. Among these were honesty, integrity, hard work, tolerance and acceptance.  They had also learned the consequences of corruption, greed and ignorance and such knowledge played a large role in their decisions to come to a new land.

     Their communities grew since history shows, they were as adept at growing children and grandchildren as they were at growing crops. Pictures of my grandfather and his father's family totaled over twenty people. But with growth came new people who diluted the principles the original people held dear. This process repeated a thousand fold led to the present day with Donald Trump and family moving into the White House. I remember a family conversation about a new family that had moved into the neighborhood. Within a few months their unkempt yard was overgrown with weeds interspersed with old car and appliance parts that were thrown here and there. The consensus was they were just white trash. A caste on the bottom tier in India called the untouchables.

     From all that I've seen and heard from them and about them, the Trump clan fits the classification of white trash perfectly. I can envision them scrawling graffiti on the walls, urinating on the carpets and drawing mustaches on paintings. The very lamest reason I've yet heard for voting for Trump was something Clinton allegedly said about the nursing profession they heard somewhere or other. A statement completely at odds with everything she had said and done for the last twenty or more years.  On that basis you have endangered your grandchildren's future education and welfare. And the security of our country. Trump told you what he planned to do and you enabled him to do it.

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