Saturday, January 2, 2016

Cold ?

     First of all, there is no such thing as cold; there is only the absence of heat.  Heat is a thing, cold is not.  Heat is a measure of the activity of molecules in any substance.  This activity may be measured in different scales, all tied to water changes.  Most common in the US is the Fahrenheit scale.  Water turns to ice at 32 degrees and turns to steam at 212 degrees.  I learned this in science class,
      In real life, I learned that men and women run on different scales.  Women get cold when men are comfortable.  Men get hot when women are comfortable.  I suppose transsexuals are either always cold or always hot.  I don't know any of them so I really don't know.  I might know one because I don't think they walk around announcing their proclivity to the world.  Unlike gay people who seem to insert their gayness in any reference to themselves.  I never know if they want a medal or a kick in the rear so I just buy a ticket to the gay pride parade.
     Normally people judge the climate with analogies like "hot as hell" or "cold as hell" depending on the temperatures.  How hot that is "you could fry an egg on the sidewakl" or "colder than the nipple on a witch's tit, whatever either means.  I have never understood why weather people announce the temperature and then say "feels like ?"   I always think it feels like what it is.  They should say "the wind chill factor is ?"  Do they think we're too stupid to do simple math?  Probably.  As Kurt Vonnegut  observed "Welcome to the Monkey House."



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