Friday, January 15, 2016


    Around holidays at the year's end, people run around saying "Jesus is the reason for the season."  Around January when Congress reconvenes, President Lyndon Johnson always cajoled them with "come, let us reason together."  In these modern times it's "now is the season for the reason."
     It's time for the leaders and possible future leaders of this country to use common sense and reason rather than divisive methodology to devise future plans and paths for the country.  This latter course can only lead to stalemate and inertia. Moving backward instead of forward to a brighter vision.  Teachers often the example of water glass filled to the halfway mark.  Depending on a viewers perception and attitude, the glass is either half empty or half full.  A democrat will probably say half full and filling while a republican will say half empty and draining.  Their conflicting views  will be on display this weekend  when party debates are held. Check back Monday  

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