Sunday, December 18, 2016

Now What ??

       Now our intelligence service knows for sure that Russians hacked our election for President and helped Trump win the position, what do we do about it? I don't think a sternly written letter to Putin is going to do  anything. At this point we have ascertained that a foreign nation has determined the outcome of the election; that makes the whole exercise nothing but a sham. So why do we keep pretending we have elected Trump as president-elect when he was only selected by Putin by throwing out nearly three million votes against him.

       For Donald Trump in collusion with Putin to claim victory is against common sense. Donald Trump, along with everyone in his campaign who had knowledge should be tried for treason against the United States of America with Russian government assistance. What will probably happen tomorrow is business as usual as republicans vote as instructed as a unit. Tuesday Donald and Vlad go back to selecting the most unqualified people to run this country.

      The incoming administration has the stink of food gone bad and crawling with botulism. I don't recall any suggestions on how to eat it without the danger of a very severe stomach ache at best and death at the worst. This tainted election will be the death of us and the only way to fix it is to simply throw it out. Regardless of cost.



Saturday, December 17, 2016

Safeguard ?


     All my life I heard the Electoral College was the last bulwark against two biggest threats to our
democracy. Foreign interests and electing a moron without any semblance of ability. In just two more days, those impediments will be gone.

     If 38 republicans vote intelligently against Trump and Russia, then this was only a bad dream. No one who is aware could ever justify any other outcome. With Trump and Putin advisors shuttling back and forth between New York and Moscow. Only a brainless idiot would not suspect a scam when they are told 26 times a day there's is nothing to see here; move along now. Are they really going to renovate the Oval Office to include a side room for Putin to work in when he comes to oversee his latest acquisition.

     Unfortunately there are not 38 republicans who will put American democracy ahead of party membership, money or Koch Brothers. They will weasel out of any dissent and at last resort, tell you that God wants it this way. Not my God or my party. I feel screwed.

      Next Tuesday I will see my doctor for an annual physical. She is really a democrat because she will grease up with K-Y jelly before she sticks in a finger to check a prostrate. Under a republican health plan, you have to bring your own lube and a rubber glove unless you want that finger to go in dry and bareback. Their idea of a public option.