Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dylan Lyrics

I have been posting lyrics from early and mid-sixties songs written by Bob Dylan in an era of coffee houses, and singers dis-satisfied in the directions our people and government were taking us toward War in Vietnam and the general blase' attitudes about civil rights for all people, black or white.  I lived in New York those years and I am hearing young people voicing those same concerns now.  I feel I'm am witnessing a new awakening in the air.  It feels good to hear it on the internet from coast to coast from youth even after the indoctrination suffered in our broken education system.
                            ---  A Personal View  ---

Given that six financial institutions have assets today about 60% of the GDP of the United States. I do not believe that Congress has to ability to regulate Wall Street. I believe that Wall Street regulates the Congress and you have to break these guys up. --- Bernie Sanders ---  

Not much more to say. Just that in spite of Republican efforts to stop any voter who might oppose them, I have to believe there are enough of us to overwhelm their best efforts to just vote Democrat and throw their do-nothing people out with the garbage. I myself am being dis-enfranchised by rules keeping me from exchanging a drivers license I've had for over sixty years and replacing it with an ID card needed
to vote absentee since I am confined to a wheelchair and have no transportation for my chair and oxygen tanks to go to a drivers license office for an ID card. Thank you, Greg Abbott, Republican Governor of Texas for rejecting any increase in Medicaid. He campaigned about his being in a wheelchair for the sympathy vote. He didn't mention that it was caused by a tree falling on him or that a lawsuit resulted in a handsome settlement. They say every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. They should also say every time a poor person dies, a Republican gets his horns.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Senior Citizens

And the words that are used for to get the ship confused
Will not be understood as they're spoken
For the chains of the sea will have busted in the night
And be buried at the bottom of the ocean.   ---  Bob Dylan

A nation is judged by how it cares for its most vulnerable.
American seniors deserve to live with dignity and with a sense of security.
               ---  Bernie Sanders  ---

      Yesterday, the US Senate passed by voice vote a Re-authorization of the Older Americans Act of 1965.  The vote was 75 for -- 25 against.  I think many times a senator of one party or another will vote contrary to his parties agenda to please a segment of voters in his state knowing how the vote the vote is trending and knowing his yea or nay will not affect the ultimate outcome in the slightest degree.   This vote might tip the scales of a state that might go from red to blue or vice-versa.  The House of Representative is a way different can of worms.
       In the house, it's the Speakers job to try to bring some order and coherence to the various ideas and groups.  A herculean task akin to herding a clowder of cats.
I haven't been able to find out when the House might debate funding and passage of this Senate bill.  Hopefully before they all go home for their August vacation.  I wouldn't count on this happening though and certainly not holding my breath.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Deal with Iran, ,,

Then the sands will roll out a carpet of gold
 for your weary toes to be a-touchin'
And the ship's wise men will remind you once again.
That the whole wide world is watchin'. --  Bob Dylan

We've got to start creating a situation where our kids can leave school
and start leading productive lives.  --  Bernie Sanders

      I'm reminded of the John McCain refrain from his campaign policy,  "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran..  Sadly, It's the Republican alternative to President Obama, John Kerry, China, Russia,Britain, France and Germany.  I think it's the height of arrogance to consider themselves more competent than most of the rest of the world.  Kind of like a flea on a a Grizzly Bears scrotum, a momentary itch and quickly forgotten.

      t's unbelievable how any of the Republican entrants think that the message of "screw 99% of the American people"  and "I've raised Hundreds of Millions of dollars to convince you to just bend over next November and spread your cheeks for your new masters.  If any but Fox viewers or Daily Caller readers fall for such obvious crap.  But, A rich,old man told me what  I should do to be rich like him and why would he lie.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Iran Nuclear Deal

 Oh the time will come up when the winds will stop and the breeze will cease to be
breathin' like the stillness in the wind 'fore the hurricane begins; the hours when the ship comes in.  -- Bob Dylan                                                                                               

The nuclear agreement with Iran is a victory for diplomacy over sabre-rattling.  
-- Bernie Sanders

As expected, Republicans and Israel don't like it. Surprisingly for similar reasons. Money!  One of the many reasons they hate Obama and his administration.  The democrats refuse to shovel the amounts and sweet deals they used to get even with their stranglehold on the US congress.  Netanyahu going to our congress like he owns it.  With all the people in congress and our federal government holding US and Israel dual citizenship, one has to wonder where their loyalties lie and their orders come from, Obama or Netanyahu.  All of them should have to choose one or the other.  We don't need a citizen of a foreign country making decisions regarding our economic and foreign policies.

    As for Republicans, the Military/Industrial complex is their cash cow.  The sooner they can quash talk of peace and diplomacy, the better.  The sooner the army needs more rifles and bullets, the sooner the kickbacks and bags of money start rolling in. Now with control of congress, no wonder they want to bomb everyone.  As a side issue, they want to test their ideology before the elections when they hope to make abortion illegal and get their hands on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and stop all this healthcare crap asap.  Don't judge them by words, judge them by their actions.  

Monday, July 13, 2015

Hillary Casmpaign Speech 7/13/15

The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast, The slow one now will later be fast,  As the present now will later be past.  The order is rapidly fadin'and the first one now will
later be last for the times they are a-changin'.  ---  Bob Dylan

America becomes a greater nation when we stand together as one people and in a loud voice say no to racism and bigotry. --- Bernie Sanders

Poor, pathetic Hillary reduced to stealing Bernie's positions on the economy, the wages,etc. Positions and ideas she never talked about before now or offered anything concrete as solutions. She looks at the multitudes that listen to and like what Sanders has to say and know it's what he said for years and not now to get elected. His reputation is unchanging truth and people recognize and respond to that. People trust him and unfortunatly find it hard to trust her. So any plagirizing done by Hillary will never be more than a pale imitation of the Sanders campaign.

To be fair, a lot of what Hillary says or does is distorted, twisted and mis-stated by people who hate her and only want to bring her down. Due to her lifetime of public service they can always find something to hang their vitriol onto. In the case of Bernie, they can always make up something that turns out to be nothing more than obviously invented lie. Actually this helps instead opn hurts him.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Children need carer

If your time to you is worth savin' , Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone, for the times,  they are changin'.

This is not a denocracy, it's Oligarchy.  Yesterday afternoon, Jeb Bush announced that a relatively small number of wealthy donors have contributed over one hundred million dollars to his Super PAC.   Let me be clear: I am more than aware our opponents will outspend us, but we are going to win this election. They have the money, but we have the people.  -- Bernie Sanders

I'm aways angry when fans are shouting, "we're number one". No,we're not.  As long 
as the children in Houston that went to bed hungery last night, will have to tonight again as well as tomorrow.outnumber the fans and their heroes combined.  If,hitting a littlr ball with a stick or throwing a bigger ball through an irom ring with strings hanging from it or catching an oblong ball or preventing someone else from catching it constitures heroism, then I just never understood the word or it's meaning at all.

Only 10% of the salaries of the Astros, Rockets and Texan heroes were added together, I suspect there would be enough money to feed all the hungry children in Houston for many dars in the future. Especially if the food was bought or donated and prepared by volunteers.  Probably more than enough hands if our money grubbing mayor was kept out of the effort. The end of my rant about heroes.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Children need care

Oh,the foes will rise with the sleep still in their eyes, and they'll jerk from their beds
And think they're dreamin, but they'll pinch themselves and squeal and know that it's
for real; the hour that the ship comes in.  --  Bob Dylan

Election day 2016

Millions of children in this country are not receiving the quality childcare or early education that they need. - Bernie Sanders

I always get angry when a local sports team rides in a big parade with every one shouting we're Number One, see the heroes waving at you. What is so heroic about getting paid millions of dollars to hit a ball with a stick of wood, or running up and down a room to throw another ball through an iron ri ng with some strings attached to the bottom of it, or running up and down a grassy field to either catch an oblong ball or prevent someone else from catching it. Excuse me I can't see the heroism her.  I'll have to continue this blog tomorrow. Google refuses to let me finish.

Friday, July 10, 2015


I just read that George Bush collected $100,000 Plus $20,000 for a private plane to take him back and forth between Dallas and Houston.  A distance of about 300 miles.  All for a speech to the Wounded Warriors organization. People he sent to his phony wars.  Whoever in this organization asked him and paid him this outrageous amount needs to immediately lose his job and be blacklisted by all veterans groups.  Bush time and time again has proven to be a cold-blooded Sociopath. Haven't he and Cheney made enough money from war profiteers like Halliburton and Blackwater stealing money meant to pay local warlords. Or the 10 billion in cash that Rumsfeld claimed to have lost somewhere.  Has anybody ever found it or even asked about it.  
I seem to remember Laura Bush getting $50,000 for an earlier speech.  Bush's paid false press releases.  Like the hundred mile race he supposedly made for wounded veterans.  A member of my own family made that ride and never saw Bush anywhere
around there.   Just another Bush family lie.

The Amish have a custom known as "shunning" for people who break their vows of baptism and refuse to obey laws and regulations of the community.  George Bush is a prime candidate for shunning by the American people.  When a woman named Karla Fay pleaded for her life when she was about to be executed, Bush thought it was funny and mimicked her words like a comedy. This was from the testimony of people who were there that night.  Bush should be shunned by all Americans.  He should give back money taken from these valiant men crippled due to his vanity.  It would be the decent American way although his greed would always trump decency.  Don't look for restitution any time soon.    


Thursday, July 9, 2015


Come writers and critics who prophetize with your pen and keep your eyes wide, the chance won't come again and don't speak too soon for the wheel's still in spin. - Bob Dylan
When you have major corporations not paying a nickel in federal taxes,
clearly that has got to change. -- Bernie Sanders.

Just received a bumper sticker today with the logo "Corporations are NOT people". Now all I need is a vehicle with a bumper. Or better yet, transportation to the doors of Congress where I'll be arrested by the Koch brothers police for defacing what they consider their property. Actually too many Congress Critters on their payroll agree with them. Fortunately,99% of the rest of us disagree with corporations not paying their fair share of taxes. Until now we had no voice., Now we do if we will just use it at the ballot box in the democrat primaries next year. And finally at the ballot box in November.

In the 1960's Bernie Sanders and many others including myself supported Lyndon Johnson in his push for civil rights of everyone, Included was the right to vote when a citizen reached the age of 21 regardless of race, gender,cost or other restriction. Yet I live in a home with a 64 year old man who brags he's never voted. He says his vote doesn't count yet he rails against Supreme Court decisions he doesn't like,or any new law or regulation. I can't convince him that if he won't vote for the best candidates he is actually voting against them and voting for their opponents. So he has no right to protest or object to whatever they do. In those primaries next Spring vote for Bernie Sanders. Any vote for anyone else is to vote against Bernie Sanders. The rest of the 99% is the power needed to beat the 1%


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sander's theme

"come senators, congressmen please heed the call, don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall" - Bob Dylan  

    Transforming our energy system will not only protect the environment, it will create good paying jobs. - tweet by Bernie Sanders (next president)

I was looking over all the people who want to be president. Only one of them has any reputation for truth telling.  From billionaires to preachers, none of them say today what they exhorted last week or even last month.  I'm not a particularly religious person but it seems most of them could use some God in their lives. A real faith and a following of real belief rather than what they pass off to fool voters. A faith like that of former president Jimmy Carter, the most honest president I've known in my lifetime.  For the moment I've forgotten who said  "don't tell me what you believe, tell me what you do and I will tell you what you believe"   I think most of the candidates should take that to heart and act accordingly.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Big Money Banks

.There is no "path" to choose. The path is what is behind you that led you to today. What lies in front of you is not a fork in the road - not a choice of paths to take, but rather an empty field for you to blaze your own direction.

    I saw this yesterday on Daily Kos and liked it but don't know who to attribute to. I'm going to spend the rest of today searching for the post and who wrote it and
the next time you see it, it will have a credit.
     " If a bank is too big to fail, it's too big to exist" - Bernie Sanders.

Yesterday, I joined the Bernie Sanders campaign for President of this country.  I listened to what he said and my research proved that he doesn't make up crap but says the same words and means the same thing today as he did last week, last month and last year or years behind that. Difficult not to believe a man like that. Bernie is not for abolishing the Federal Reserve but regulating it to free up the money supply for the people to use to create jobs,  repair or replace dangerous and outdated infrastructure and rebuilding our economy and country and taking power away from Wall Street and billionaires, hedge fund managers and banks who use the people's money for gambling and losing it on million dollar bets with each other, expecting taxpayers to cover their bad deals and losses.  As Bob Dylan sings "Your  old road in rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand for the times they are a changin'"

Maybe people and Sanders can't win this game with all the deck stacked against us but we are damn well gonna' try our best.  On to November and beyond 2016.                                                                        

Friday, July 3, 2015

Poor Hillary

The poor woman just can't win.  Evidently she was born under the wrong sign or date or something.  She had the democratic nomination all wrapped up in 2008.  Until Obama came from nowhere and snatched it away,  Last week, she had the democrat nomination in the bag until Bernie Sanders popped up with the answers America seemed to want most.  A lot more than her proposals.  He is honest; his years long record on votes in the senate is spotless with his support of the people over big money.  Not even Fox News has been able to dream up anything impugning his integrity.  Sooner or later Republicans and conservatives will make up some corruption and make fools of themselves.  He will shoot them down as he's done for over twenty years.  
    Sorry, Mrs. Clinton.  It's just not your time.  Fate seems to have decided otherwise. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Riding Home

My little sister in her early teen years owned a beautiful Palomino horse like the one Roy Rogers rode in the old cowboy movies.  As i look back on this mare, I believe she must have been a Lesbian horse although in this distant past, no one conceived of such a thing.  She hated all the male gender and abhorred having a man on her back and unless she had a more pressing need, would do whatever she could to get rid of him including rolling over and trying to crush him beneath her, resulting in two males with broken limbs that I know of.  With a female of any breed she was like a playful kitten, horse, human, or whatever as long as the gender was right.  Thus it was that the horse was tethered in the back yard.  Like any young girl, my sister was at that stage of transition from horses to boys.  She had ridden her horse from pasture to backyard, left her there when a boy came by and invited her to the Daily Queen or wherever teens went then.
   Meanwhile, the mare was getting thirstier,  hungrier and angierier by the hour.  
Finally, our mother asked me to ride her home and she would follow and bring me back. Sounded like a simple plan to me.  "Where's the saddle", I asked.  "Oh, she rode her bareback."  "Is it too much to ask if she brought a bit and reins"  Who knew what rapport she might have with this pet of hers.  Maybe she guided her with psychic commands.  By some good luck, this mare was guided in the normal manner by the steering wheel of bit and reins. After attachment and backing to the porch and at last I was aboard and ready for a gentle walk back to the barn.  But this she-devil had her own ideas when she saw an open gate to freedom and her pasture only a couple of miles away.  By the time we reached the front yard  she was in full gallop mode at top speed. Normally a horses accelerator is controlled by the pressure if a rider's legs against her side.  By the time we cleared the yard, all thought of control was out of the question.  I had one hand on the reins, the other wrapped in her mane and holding on as tight as possible, legs flying every which way desperately trying to sit as tightly as possible to keep on board. Each second of success pile up until you become convinced your balance will save you and you are not going to die sliding alongside the road.  Until about halfway there, you hear a pack of neighborhood dogs barking, roused by all the commotion rapidly approaching .
  Pictures rise in your mind of movies you've seen where a horse reads up and throw its rider when surprised by a snake on the path.  Surely, this encounter will have a similar result.  Ha!. With the thought in her mind only of fresh grass, gallons of cold water and a cozy stable, the dogs were past by the time anyone noticed leaving only yelps and whimpers where the ambush failed.  At last, we arrived at the gate, foaming and blowing  and both still alive, although it took me several minutes to be able to stand up after sliding to the ground.  She just stood there placidly munching grass  Her mission accomplished.
    All of this a lot like our president.  He sets a goal and goes for it regardless of obstacles or distractions like barking dogs in the way.  With healthcare or gay rights, he just rolls on home where he was going in the first place.  I've lived and watched 13 presidents now.  Roosevelt and Truman and Johnson were strong, Carter was strong in his honesty, but Obama is quietly strongest of all.  In my opinion.