Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dylan Lyrics

I have been posting lyrics from early and mid-sixties songs written by Bob Dylan in an era of coffee houses, and singers dis-satisfied in the directions our people and government were taking us toward War in Vietnam and the general blase' attitudes about civil rights for all people, black or white.  I lived in New York those years and I am hearing young people voicing those same concerns now.  I feel I'm am witnessing a new awakening in the air.  It feels good to hear it on the internet from coast to coast from youth even after the indoctrination suffered in our broken education system.
                            ---  A Personal View  ---

Given that six financial institutions have assets today about 60% of the GDP of the United States. I do not believe that Congress has to ability to regulate Wall Street. I believe that Wall Street regulates the Congress and you have to break these guys up. --- Bernie Sanders ---  

Not much more to say. Just that in spite of Republican efforts to stop any voter who might oppose them, I have to believe there are enough of us to overwhelm their best efforts to just vote Democrat and throw their do-nothing people out with the garbage. I myself am being dis-enfranchised by rules keeping me from exchanging a drivers license I've had for over sixty years and replacing it with an ID card needed
to vote absentee since I am confined to a wheelchair and have no transportation for my chair and oxygen tanks to go to a drivers license office for an ID card. Thank you, Greg Abbott, Republican Governor of Texas for rejecting any increase in Medicaid. He campaigned about his being in a wheelchair for the sympathy vote. He didn't mention that it was caused by a tree falling on him or that a lawsuit resulted in a handsome settlement. They say every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. They should also say every time a poor person dies, a Republican gets his horns.

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