Friday, July 10, 2015


I just read that George Bush collected $100,000 Plus $20,000 for a private plane to take him back and forth between Dallas and Houston.  A distance of about 300 miles.  All for a speech to the Wounded Warriors organization. People he sent to his phony wars.  Whoever in this organization asked him and paid him this outrageous amount needs to immediately lose his job and be blacklisted by all veterans groups.  Bush time and time again has proven to be a cold-blooded Sociopath. Haven't he and Cheney made enough money from war profiteers like Halliburton and Blackwater stealing money meant to pay local warlords. Or the 10 billion in cash that Rumsfeld claimed to have lost somewhere.  Has anybody ever found it or even asked about it.  
I seem to remember Laura Bush getting $50,000 for an earlier speech.  Bush's paid false press releases.  Like the hundred mile race he supposedly made for wounded veterans.  A member of my own family made that ride and never saw Bush anywhere
around there.   Just another Bush family lie.

The Amish have a custom known as "shunning" for people who break their vows of baptism and refuse to obey laws and regulations of the community.  George Bush is a prime candidate for shunning by the American people.  When a woman named Karla Fay pleaded for her life when she was about to be executed, Bush thought it was funny and mimicked her words like a comedy. This was from the testimony of people who were there that night.  Bush should be shunned by all Americans.  He should give back money taken from these valiant men crippled due to his vanity.  It would be the decent American way although his greed would always trump decency.  Don't look for restitution any time soon.    


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