Monday, July 13, 2015

Hillary Casmpaign Speech 7/13/15

The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast, The slow one now will later be fast,  As the present now will later be past.  The order is rapidly fadin'and the first one now will
later be last for the times they are a-changin'.  ---  Bob Dylan

America becomes a greater nation when we stand together as one people and in a loud voice say no to racism and bigotry. --- Bernie Sanders

Poor, pathetic Hillary reduced to stealing Bernie's positions on the economy, the wages,etc. Positions and ideas she never talked about before now or offered anything concrete as solutions. She looks at the multitudes that listen to and like what Sanders has to say and know it's what he said for years and not now to get elected. His reputation is unchanging truth and people recognize and respond to that. People trust him and unfortunatly find it hard to trust her. So any plagirizing done by Hillary will never be more than a pale imitation of the Sanders campaign.

To be fair, a lot of what Hillary says or does is distorted, twisted and mis-stated by people who hate her and only want to bring her down. Due to her lifetime of public service they can always find something to hang their vitriol onto. In the case of Bernie, they can always make up something that turns out to be nothing more than obviously invented lie. Actually this helps instead opn hurts him.

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