Saturday, August 6, 2016

Standard Opinion Polls

    I'm reading the presidential opinion polls this week. With such disparity, who can know what to believe or think.  Opinion polls each take a sample of potential voters.  By presentation of questions asked and groups queried, the results can be skewed however desired.  With 1 hundred million votes, any sample of less than a hundred thousand is guaranteed to be inaccurate.  The idea of a sample of 1200 people telling much of anything is ludicrous. I don't think extrapolation that extreme can tell much of anything.  It all boils down to what various analysts think and publish.

     The political parties involved need to get together on a polling revamp they both could benefit from. I propose a standard questionnaire of ten to twenty topics agreed on nationwide.  Each state will receive 2,000 copies.  There should be a lottery drawing in each state among registered voters.  Each filled out survey will be paid three dollars when turned it to a collection station.  Since each survey will be mailed to the address on the voter registration cards, potential voters only will participate this way.

     Each survey will be entered into a computer for an end results printout. This will be sent  to a national computer database for a final printout to be shared with everybody interested. One can't  fight a modern war without intelligence as to an enemies strength and weaknesses. Then one can make rational decisions as to how to proceed.  A political election is a war between parties. The same rules apply.

      Wouldn't all that be nice?

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