Thursday, August 11, 2016

Trump an Amateur Gambler

     Donald Trump shows his neophyte status when he doesn't as Kenny Rogers sings "know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run." It's rapidly getting time to run away. Sooner or later he has to realize that. Even in his deluded state reality is going to finally hit him like a falling brick. Then what?

     The question is how and when he's going to leave. I think it will be Labor Day or soon thereafter. The how is indeterminate with so many scenarios that fit his style and temperament. One thing is not going to happen is he leaves with integrity and dignity. Not possible knowing what we do after seeing and listening to him for so many weeks.

     We know he will announce it as Clinton's or Obama's or the Republican's fault for his demise.  He will never admit he might have to blame himself. Whichever intervention team succeeds in restraining and subduing him will earn the thanks of a grateful nation.

      Then what? Do we replace him in a contest for the presidency and is that possible at this late date. Times like this I'm glad to be a Democrat. Will Hillary run against Pence, an empty chair or is it possible for one party to cede the election and Clinton run unopposed?  We're breaking new ground here and I'm so glad to be alive to see what ultimately transpires.

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