Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Voting Rights

     Kudos to a Supreme Court that has finally gained some sense with the departure of justice Alito on his one way trip to his personal promised land. Godspeed to him. Unfortunately he left so much debris in his wake that it will take years and many new cases to unravel and clean up. I am thankful that one of the first successful efforts was right here in my home state of Texas. Which I believe is gradually turning blue. There are many more ALEC messes to reverse here but we are working on it.

     Late last year my state driver's license expired. Since I don't drive anymore but do want to vote, I tried to exchange my license for a new state ID so I could vote absentee since I am disabled and have no family or friends to take me physically to the polls. It was explained to me on the phone that to effect such an event I would physically have to appear at a state driver's license office. I faced the same dilemma here as I would trying to vote in person. Frustration at how Republicans suppressed my vote for any Democrat.

     Then out of the blue a revitalized court overturned the Texas voter suppression regulations and suddenly I could get an absentee ballot by simply applying on a mail in form that I received in the mail without asking. I promptly filled it out, signed it without a notary seal required and mailed it. Presently I am waiting for as absentee ballot as soon as available on which I now intend to vote a Democratic straight ticket thanks to the new and improved Supreme Court.

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