Sunday, June 19, 2016


     The media is having a difficult time in the last week deciding what and how to cover it.  Too much has happened to keep on an agenda consistent with spinning in one direction.  Only Fox News has kept to the mantra;  Republicans good, Democrats bad.

      For everything else they don't really know from day to day.  First of all, 49 gay people die in  a massacre, which way to go about it?  They have always gone against homo's but now there is too much sympathy for them  to risk it.

     The 2016 primaries are over, both Democrats got what each wanted in the first place.  Bernie set off a national revolution movement and Hillary got nominated for president.  Now how can the media set them against each other.  It just wont fly now with the two of them working together for the November elections.

      But overreaching everything, there is always Donald Trump.  Always good for a laugh but little else.  How can they write against Republicans no matter how stupid they get supporting their presidential choice.  It's amazing the contortions they go through trying to support him when every day finds him with a new reason he should be in jail rather than sitting in his penthouse suite.

     I just hope I don't run out of popcorn or beer before 2017.  This is starting to look like a marathon
television show, comedy and soap opera combined.


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