Friday, November 27, 2015


Due to the national celebration of Thanksgiving, everyone's schedule got all screwed up.  Mine in particular.  Ordinarily, I go to bed after the ten o'clock news and talking to the night shift caregiver. whose time starts at 10;00 PM and runs to 6:00 AM.  Unfortunately, no one showed up last night and
since I was the last one still awake, I felt responsible for staying up in case of fire, break ins or any other emergency.  At last, at about 1:30, the evening shift caregiver came by, left to get some food and returned at 1:45.  Although satiated earlier at dinner, we all ate again including a lot more pie and cake.
   Finally went to bed sometime after 3:00 AM.  Got up and took medicine at noon and back to bed, sleeping soundly until late this afternoon.  I suppose that because of hearing so much daytime activity, I was besieged with a multitude of dreams, none of them bad.  I have always believed that dreams are the brain's interpretations of sounds to preserve our sleep and keep us from waking up too soon.  This is on a semi- conscious level.  On a deeper level, our brains are seeking a better explanation of the day's and earlier events stored in memory.  Our brain constructs scenarios that are mostly good of past events.  In scenes where you remember shame or  embarrassment, they are scrubbed to show the good parts only. This occurs if you are in tune with the flow of cosmic life.  If you don't know about that, it would be good for you to find out and join it.
   Needless to say, I had good dreams all day and awoke refreshed with a positive outlook on life and the future.  So much so, I look forward to my next night's sleep, even though it uses up so many hours of my lifeline.

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