I'm a cranky old man but I do like to keep my eye on the young whipper-snappers that live up north in Washington pretending to run the government or trying to get in on the money feeding frenzy that goes on there. To this end, I get this thing called E-mail and every day I get about thirty or forty letters from people that want to change things to make them better for me. For example they ask if I want more money from social security, well sure I do. Or make it eaier to vote or help out veterans more. All good things I think and they ask if I agree and will vote for them or not. Well, I sure will support their efforts. Then they ask if I would chip in to help them get elected and they have a page with little blocks representing amounts I'm supposed to check on what I want them to deduct from my bank account or credit card. But unfortunately by the time they ask, I have paid for my room and board, the internet access, medicine, etc.,there is nothing left to send them except my promise to vote for them and their causes. There is no box to check for this, hence my frustration. I truly want to help them financially but it's not possible until I get the income they will try to get for me. So we have a catch 22. Just put a box in there for that and I won't feel bad about ignoring their message. As Tom Hanks says - "that's all I got to say about that."
Very fitting for the cause that they would ask the very people for help that they have decided to take the most money away from.