Monday, November 30, 2015

Republican Blood

Another group of people killed over the beliefs of a right wing nut-job.  When is enough become really enough to do something about it.  Thankfully it's not up to me except as a member of the majority of sane, rational people in this country.  In my opinion, free speech stops when you yell fire in a crowed venue and people are trampled to death.  It becomes the same as yelling "God wants sinners killed and wiped out" to a group of ignorant, unstable morons.  Someone needs to be held accountable for such blatant evil.  ISIS will cut off your head for going against their religious beliefs.   Saudi-Arabia will do the same thing, again for their religion.  Unstable Christians will use bullets to enforce their beliefs.  We hold ISIS leaders and the Saudi government leaders responsible for the actions of their followers.  Why are not Mr. Huckabee, Mr. Trump, Mr. Cruz and the editor of fake videos being held responsible for the three dead people in Colorado?  We can name quite a few more that believe their version of a holy book is the right version and have been led to believe somehow they should follow someone's interpretation of it instead of the US Constitution and American laws. It's really sickening to view sites such as The Daily Caller or Red-State and see the misinformation they foist on Fox News addicts under the guise of "real truth" when it is anything but.
   I believe we should research laws against sedition, treason, slander and libel and see which ones might apply to the Republican Party and their adherents.      

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