Tuesday, July 26, 2016

American Working Cat

     This picture reminds me of the typical working class.  Kitty's job is keeping the area clear of disease carrying rodents.  She's a little disabled and walks funny but still goes to work every night.  For her service, she only asks a good meal, a dry bed and a roof over her head.  All any American worker wants and expects from their employer or this country.  Which brings us to the Democratic Convention.

     Kitty's needs are simple compared to those of humans.  Last week we learned that Republicans care as much about human needs as those of an animal like Kitty.  Or less.  That was broadcast loud and clear by every speaker last week.  That convention center in Ohio will need to be fumigated and disinfected before it will be usable again.  I once owned a car that had been sprayed inside by a frightened skunk.  We could still catch a whiff of that odor years later. Much like Conservative

     Being one myself, last night I tuned into the Democrats in Pennsylvania.  In speech after speech I found the opposite of all I heard last week.  Instead of skunk, I smelled fresh and clean mountain air.
I heard program after program designed to allow people to work and live in dignity.  I heard common sense instead of the gibberish recited by an old lunatic in front of every downtown bus station.  Yesterday it was sunny in Philadelphia and I'm looking forward to tonight.

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