Friday, July 15, 2016

Trump / Pence Fiasco

     Trump I'm sure looks on this whole election as a big joke.  If he releases his tax returns he's dead in the water.  Do we want a president who owes millions to a foreign bank?  Who claims he has a billion dollars on hand but doesn't have six million to finance his own convention.  I'm sure Pence has plenty of money he siphoned off the state of Indiana.  He will probably retire after he and Trump are run out of town.  On a rail, preferably.

     Surely the American people are not stupid enough to elect Trump who will quickly resign and apply for his secret service protection and lifetime pension.  Leaving Pence holding the bag of crap he generated as his reward.  God save us and God save America.

     There was another dumb man in the Bible; the husband of Bathsheba.  Any man who would let his wife take a bath on the front porch under the king's apartment deserves whatever happens.  For dumb Republicans, they also deserve whatever happens.  Turn over some rocks in Indiana and hold your nose against what crawls out.

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