Saturday, July 9, 2016

Police Change

     One can't help feeling sad, angry and frustrated at the spate of gun deaths of black men and white police officers.  The media would like nothing better than a full scale war between the two factions and do their best to foment such.  They couldn't care less about individuals dying as long as there is a news vacuum they manage to fill every day.  No one suggests a solution to this sorry state of affairs.

    There is a solution although it would involve much time and effort.  These two things are anathema to the populace raised by TV in thirty minute intervals.  Real life does not happen in short time and sometimes solution takes years.  Leaving aside the racism that is finally lessening with each new generation.  It will finally die out maybe in the lifetime of our grandchildren but surely in that of great-grand children. It's really sad none of our contemporaries will live that long.

     I think there are too many men and women taught by our own government to kill people without remorse in order to win battles in insane wars.  I feel we would be better served if no combat veteran would be serving as a policeman on the street.  I envision an entire street force made up of men and women  rarely experiencing episodes of PTSD which seem to be the result of  kill conditioning in conflict with their basic impulse to help instead of hurting others.  A woman can do anything a man can do as well and sometimes better.  I have personally seen a female cop attacked by a man being arrested.  She had him on the ground handcuffed in seconds.  All police officers should be trained in martial arts before they can carry a gun.  Deadly force may end up being necessary but as a last resort, never the first.  There may be short or easy solutions but they must come from minds much more qualified than mine.


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