Born under Roosevelt's New Deal. I was three years old when Social Security was enacted. I was one of those kids the Democrats said would not have to live in poverty when we got old without a pension, a savings account or struggling relatives.
When I turned twenty-seven, another Democrat signed Medicare into law. The Democrats said when we got old we would need more healthcare than we could afford. Lyndon Johnson said people deserved more help from a government they supported with taxes.
When I turned fifty-four, another Democrat pushed through a children's health insurance plan that cared for a sick child. That Democrat is today running for President of these United States. Vamonos y Votar por Hillery Clinton.
When I turned seventy-four, the thirteenth President I've lived and worked under, another Democrat brought us The Affordable Care Act; Obamacare. Now that I'm seventy-eight, I'm looking forward to number fourteen.
When I look backward to that starry-eyed three year old, I think of Tom Batiuk's character, Crankshaft and wonder "how did I get here so fast." Democrats kept their promise to me in 1941.
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