Friday, July 29, 2016

Guns and Death

     I decided not to post a picture of death and a gun.  There is more than enough of that on the internet.  One of my daughters told me her views on gun control and asked me how I felt about it.  Until then, I hadn't really thought much about guns.  I have owned many guns in my life although I don't have one now.  When I was very young, we hunted to put food on the table.  When I grew up I sometimes worked in dangerous situations owning bars.  I used a gun once to defend myself and my son from a drunken criminal.  So I'm glad no one ever banned my gun or tried to take it away from me. 

     I did take the time to look into gun control.  I don't think anyone has any necessity to own or carry around a military assault rifle.  To me it indicates some sexual need or frustration.  It reminds me of a crazy uncle who hunted rabbits with a twelve gauge shotgun.  He would hold up a shredded pelt and proclaim "got him right in the head."  And "everywhere else too"  I would reply with a disgusted retort. Like an AR-15, a whole lot of overkill.

     Banning guns won't quell gun violence.  Sixty-five percent of gun violence is self-inflicted suicide,  This translates to 51 deaths daily.  A lot, but the smaller portion of an average 117 suicides daily in the United States.  Sixty-six choose other means.  I, myself would overdose on heroin and go floating away on a pretty pink cloud.  No danger there since I live in a personal care home and I have no way to find any drug stronger than aspirin.

     So I suppose limited gun control would be a good thing for military ordnance.  Since the owners of such weapons other than terrorists and mental cases are more likely to shoot their foot off  than anything else.  For all guns they should have some kind of proficiency rating before buying.


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