This is the last installment of my life in a personal care home gone bad.
"The care home business is a joke. There's no wonder so many disabled folks are homeless. I have visited so many homes with deplorable conditions"
This is the comment pf a personal friend who is trying to find a better place for me that I could move to. At this point it seems futile so I'm kind of resigned to living here and seeing what might happen. Every time an ombudsman or a Human Services agent visited in the past, I told them I had no problem. Because I didn't and could work it with out the owner. I don't talk with him because he is seldom around any more leaving everything up to his 24 hour surrogate. The next time any state agent contacts me I will give them a copy of this blog.
Up till now, animals were not allowed in the house on the basis that so many people have allergies. Yesterday the caregivers dog arrived with it's bed and bowls for food and water in the living room. It is allowed to wander around diners legs during mealtime. I suppose it wandering in the kitchen is no more unsanitary than food preparation or medicine dispensing with a bare hand without any use of gloves such as used by a roadside taco stand. I guess disabled people are automatically immune to each others germs although my three hospital stays this year tell me otherwise.
So for now I'm stuck here. I have heard that conditions in other states that have expanded Medicaid are much better. Unfortunately I live in a Red State whose governor doesn't believe in helping people although he gets around in a wheelchair himself. If you have a loved one in a care home check on them often. Conditions can change in a heart beat.
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