Friday, July 3, 2015

Poor Hillary

The poor woman just can't win.  Evidently she was born under the wrong sign or date or something.  She had the democratic nomination all wrapped up in 2008.  Until Obama came from nowhere and snatched it away,  Last week, she had the democrat nomination in the bag until Bernie Sanders popped up with the answers America seemed to want most.  A lot more than her proposals.  He is honest; his years long record on votes in the senate is spotless with his support of the people over big money.  Not even Fox News has been able to dream up anything impugning his integrity.  Sooner or later Republicans and conservatives will make up some corruption and make fools of themselves.  He will shoot them down as he's done for over twenty years.  
    Sorry, Mrs. Clinton.  It's just not your time.  Fate seems to have decided otherwise. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't want any more people in the White House who think that money will buy votes. It might do something up there in the land of the 1%. But for the rest of us we believe in hard work and integrity. Again I say that any candidate must have served our country and be taught to live out of a duffle bag and spend time in the heat of the desert where the wind blows hotter than an oven. Then they might know what the flag stands for. We are freely giving up our rights to these people who have no idea what it's like to struggle. Forgive me if I don't have any sympathy for someone who can't manage their affairs privately and then expects to be handed the checkbook of our country.
