Saturday, July 11, 2015

Children need care

Oh,the foes will rise with the sleep still in their eyes, and they'll jerk from their beds
And think they're dreamin, but they'll pinch themselves and squeal and know that it's
for real; the hour that the ship comes in.  --  Bob Dylan

Election day 2016

Millions of children in this country are not receiving the quality childcare or early education that they need. - Bernie Sanders

I always get angry when a local sports team rides in a big parade with every one shouting we're Number One, see the heroes waving at you. What is so heroic about getting paid millions of dollars to hit a ball with a stick of wood, or running up and down a room to throw another ball through an iron ri ng with some strings attached to the bottom of it, or running up and down a grassy field to either catch an oblong ball or prevent someone else from catching it. Excuse me I can't see the heroism her.  I'll have to continue this blog tomorrow. Google refuses to let me finish.

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