Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Deal with Iran, ,,

Then the sands will roll out a carpet of gold
 for your weary toes to be a-touchin'
And the ship's wise men will remind you once again.
That the whole wide world is watchin'. --  Bob Dylan

We've got to start creating a situation where our kids can leave school
and start leading productive lives.  --  Bernie Sanders

      I'm reminded of the John McCain refrain from his campaign policy,  "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran..  Sadly, It's the Republican alternative to President Obama, John Kerry, China, Russia,Britain, France and Germany.  I think it's the height of arrogance to consider themselves more competent than most of the rest of the world.  Kind of like a flea on a a Grizzly Bears scrotum, a momentary itch and quickly forgotten.

      t's unbelievable how any of the Republican entrants think that the message of "screw 99% of the American people"  and "I've raised Hundreds of Millions of dollars to convince you to just bend over next November and spread your cheeks for your new masters.  If any but Fox viewers or Daily Caller readers fall for such obvious crap.  But, A rich,old man told me what  I should do to be rich like him and why would he lie.


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