Sunday, July 12, 2015

Children need carer

If your time to you is worth savin' , Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone, for the times,  they are changin'.

This is not a denocracy, it's Oligarchy.  Yesterday afternoon, Jeb Bush announced that a relatively small number of wealthy donors have contributed over one hundred million dollars to his Super PAC.   Let me be clear: I am more than aware our opponents will outspend us, but we are going to win this election. They have the money, but we have the people.  -- Bernie Sanders

I'm aways angry when fans are shouting, "we're number one". No,we're not.  As long 
as the children in Houston that went to bed hungery last night, will have to tonight again as well as tomorrow.outnumber the fans and their heroes combined.  If,hitting a littlr ball with a stick or throwing a bigger ball through an irom ring with strings hanging from it or catching an oblong ball or preventing someone else from catching it constitures heroism, then I just never understood the word or it's meaning at all.

Only 10% of the salaries of the Astros, Rockets and Texan heroes were added together, I suspect there would be enough money to feed all the hungry children in Houston for many dars in the future. Especially if the food was bought or donated and prepared by volunteers.  Probably more than enough hands if our money grubbing mayor was kept out of the effort. The end of my rant about heroes.


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