Thursday, July 9, 2015


Come writers and critics who prophetize with your pen and keep your eyes wide, the chance won't come again and don't speak too soon for the wheel's still in spin. - Bob Dylan
When you have major corporations not paying a nickel in federal taxes,
clearly that has got to change. -- Bernie Sanders.

Just received a bumper sticker today with the logo "Corporations are NOT people". Now all I need is a vehicle with a bumper. Or better yet, transportation to the doors of Congress where I'll be arrested by the Koch brothers police for defacing what they consider their property. Actually too many Congress Critters on their payroll agree with them. Fortunately,99% of the rest of us disagree with corporations not paying their fair share of taxes. Until now we had no voice., Now we do if we will just use it at the ballot box in the democrat primaries next year. And finally at the ballot box in November.

In the 1960's Bernie Sanders and many others including myself supported Lyndon Johnson in his push for civil rights of everyone, Included was the right to vote when a citizen reached the age of 21 regardless of race, gender,cost or other restriction. Yet I live in a home with a 64 year old man who brags he's never voted. He says his vote doesn't count yet he rails against Supreme Court decisions he doesn't like,or any new law or regulation. I can't convince him that if he won't vote for the best candidates he is actually voting against them and voting for their opponents. So he has no right to protest or object to whatever they do. In those primaries next Spring vote for Bernie Sanders. Any vote for anyone else is to vote against Bernie Sanders. The rest of the 99% is the power needed to beat the 1%


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