Saturday, December 26, 2015

Denial of Service (DOS)

      Today is the day after Christmas also now known as denial of service day.  During last year, I wrote about it being the cell phone generation.  This coming generation, I think will be known as the tablet generation.  Every teen or young person now have a tablet in addition to their cell phone.  Nearly all retailers sold beaucoup of these new electronic marvels.  All the new users immediately turned them on today to enjoy their new treasures and found them unlike what the advertisement told them.  You were supposed to flit from Facebook to Twitter to U-Tube effortlessly.  Instead, they moved sluggishly until they got to U-Tube and found it closed.  Their biggest servers simply couldn't handle the massive overload.  Denial of Service. Dancers were shoulder to shoulder, the doorman couldn't fit anymore and hung a closed sign outside the ballroom.  This won't last long.  Net providers  are working 26 hours a day at the behest of disgruntled advertisers eager to reach these new multitudes.
      I think the new Windows 10 will be Microsofts Edsel of the electronic world.   Ford overcame its mistake and Microsoft will too.   Just have a little patience.  Every expected this boom but no one anticipated it's sheer size.  Right now you are actually living what will become history.


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