Monday, December 21, 2015


     Most people think of the word 'epiphany' in a religious context like the feast of the Epiphany commemorating  the realization of the divinity of Christ by the Magi, but in a secular sense, it is a sudden revelation or insight into some work or study.  Actually, it's quite a experience when it happens.  It happened to me only three times in my lifetime that stand out in memory, two times in my teens and once recently.  There might have been others bur minor in nature and soon forgotten.     
     It was a fishing trip with my father and uncle. I was chafing at my dad's constant admonitions;  don't stand up in the boat, put on your life jacket, don't tangle your line, etc.   Seething with anger, I thought of  a way to get back at him.  I would smile pleasantly, do every thing he wanted cheerfully and that would really piss him off.  As you can guess, a change in attitude changed me rather than him.  I began to enjoy the trip and had this sudden sharp realization that he loved me, wanted me to be happy and my whole family was complete with me in it.
     I had struggled for months trying to learn plane geometry.  I had worked through sample problems over and over and just couldn't get it.  I was frustrated and my instructor was annoyed.  One spring afternoon sitting at my school desk and staring out the window thinking about it when a miracle happened.  Suddenly It all came clear.  Something clicked into place and I could see and understand the whole concept, I knew then I would be able to solve any problem in the subject.
      My third epiphany is happening as I write.  In my last post, I reported being taken hostage.  Windows 8.1 has been on my laptop since forever.  I tried to work with it and quickly gave up.  These last four days or so, I had to live with it being unable to escape easily.  In my efforts, I learned a lot and ended up with a combination of Windows 8, Chrome, Explorer and Google Plus.  I'm understanding how windows 8 works and am able to manipulate it to my satisfaction.  I'm reminded of a Johnny Cash song about stealing a Cadillac from the plant one piece at a time.     

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