Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Right Wingers

     Right Wingers, the more rabid ones used to call themselves "tea baggers" until one of the more worldly of their group learned what the expression referred to.  Right Wingers are not the shiniest ornaments on the tree, cognition wise.   Now they are Conservatives although what they are conserving is any body's guess.  But certainly not intelligence, logic or common sense because that seems in short supply in the comment section of  their favorite websites.  I love to respond to their writings with remarks of my own often eliciting insults, anger and other negative emotions on their end.  There are other trolls like me on their turf taking delight in what we call "rattling their cages."
For example go to columns on sites like The Daily Caller, Newsmax or Media Matters.  Go to comments at the end and read the garbage.  If you run across some wise ass reply to a dumb comment by 'Forthi' that would be me..  A Trump supporter told me I shouldn't denigrate Donald because I hadn't made millions of dollars.or married a supermodel wife.  I replied I didn't start with a million dollars from Daddy, never filed numerous bankruptcies leaving other people to pay millions of dollars in Trump debts.  And in my eyes my wife is more beautiful than any supermodel trophy wife. That was the end of that thread.
      Let's support Bernie Sanders for President.  If Diogenes and his lantern were still around, he would find Bernie sooner or later.

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