Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Republican Debate?

    Not so much a debate as  "bash the president" & "bash each other" & "who is most kooky" events except all together in prime time instead of presented piecemeal on daily news and other comedy shows.  A cornucopia of bigotry, ignorance and hatred.  A Christmas present for conservative voters and other idiots.
    If I seem to be down on Republican presidential candidates, I certainly am.   I have enough sense to know they are working to make America into a Christian theocracy.  Like Muslims following Sharia law, they want to do away with secular law and impose Biblical law.  They want to turn women into chattel owned by them totally, according to what they interpret as Biblical commands. They disown Jesus as some weakling pussy with His love thy neighbor craziness.  He should have been banned in the first place and finally got what he deserved for meddling in politics.
    I think that while reading the holy book, just substituting Republican for Pharisee you can get a perfect idea of their mindset and agenda.  I am not a Republican or a Christian.  I am a free man with free will living in a free country.  I plan to remain exactly that.  Next year I will vote for Bernie Sanders, a  free,honest and truthful man.      

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