Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day of Rest?

I was going to relax and take off with the excuse of Sunday rest.  But laying back. I thought of all the people that don't get the luxury of a respite from hard work.  All the fast food outlets and workers in the food service industry that pays so little in wages that people are forced to work as many hours as possible to just survive with out the pleasure of losing even one day's pay.  Or enjoy the fruits of living in the richest country in the world.  It's really unbelievable at least to me how people with money and power that claim to be Christians or charitable people are consumed by such greed, they can't even think of others that only want a living wage that enables them to just move beyond mere survival for themselves and the people they love.  Watching the republican campaign debate shows that not one is in favor of any raise in the minimum wage.  Several of them even advocate doing away with the minimum.  How anyone with an ounce of brain, compassion or concision vote for any Republican is beyond belief.  If one opens their bible and finds the word Pharisee and substiutes Republican, they will understand why Jesus condemned them so strongly.  

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