Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Faith and Religion

I think that faith and religion are two completely different concepts.  Faith is an important component of the flow of the Universe, kind of a cosmic jet-stream of time, events, problems and solutions, questions and answers like an endless river of the universe.  The important item to remember is that the flow direction is always positive and forward and good.  Like the unity church says "life is meant to be good."  Always remember though. a church is not a religion, it's merely a meeting of like minded people.
   Religion is a set of pre-packaged  beliefs, do's and don'ts, crimes and punishments, rewards and penalties, all handed down to people by their initial authority figures, most likely being parents. No one is actually born with any of this rigmarole as instinctive.  It isn't born into us and has to be inserted manually, again the role of that first authority figure.  I never tried to instill any particular religion into my children.   I did expose them to many belief systems but never said one was best or better than any other.  I did let them know that whatever walk in life they chose, I would always respect, support and love them.  Looking back, I believe that worked out well for all of us.
    To be happy, calm and stress free, it's important to find and join that metaphysical flow by first believing it exists and get in tune with it.  I've heard black people say to "go with the flow," which is an apt saying for anybody'  You first have to get rid of all your learned prejudices and limits to thinking clearly by realizing that all of us are different outwardly yet all of us are alike inside where we truly live. We are all lost children wandering in a world we don't really understand.  Stop trying to understand or trying to choose between frozen peas versus fresh corn and just accept what comes without question.  Once you can do this, you have found the flow and life will be in tune and good in many ways because you will have peace and faith in life being ultimately good.

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