Saturday, November 21, 2015


Mass killing by psychopaths, although instilling fear and trepidation, is not actual terrorism because it has no reason or ultimate end in sight. The earliest terrorism I can personally remember happened just short of 70 years ago in 1946 when I was 8 years old.  The Jews known as Zionists set a bomb to destroy the King David hotel,  The end was to force the British, who after WW2 was in control of Palestine, to carve out some land for the Zionists to establish their own state which they called Israel. Unfortunately, the land already belonged to Palestinians who were thrown off it to give it to the Jews. That argument is still on going but the terrorists got what the wanted through their actions in killing 91 people and maiming 46 more.  The major terrorists today like ISIL have a much grander scheme and that's to consolidate a major portion of the Middle East into a Muslim caliphate devoid of what they consider corruption of their religion.  They are threatening the US trying to get us out of our affairs, off their backs and let them do and live as they want to and have been doing for over a thousand years.  If they want to fight among themselves and kill each other, it's their business and not ours.  Americans are so terrified that a few hundred may die in an attack yet they ignore that we are killing each other at the rate of 83 people a day with our cars due to alcohol drinking and paying more attention to our cell phones than steering our vehicles. Add this to killing 85 a day with our guns and we lose 165 Americans every  day 24/7 and we tremble in fear in the face of a few terrorists maybe killing a hundred of us over the course of a year or so.  Except for Obama most of our leaders are craven cowards.  We should thank Providence that he is in charge rather than Donald or Ben or Ted or worse, Jeb.

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