Sunday, November 22, 2015

Our President

I have lived under 13 presidents in my lifetime with this present one, Obama, by far the best.  A lot of people judge a leader by asking "Am I better off today than when I voted for him."  My answer to that would be a resounding No!!  A much better criteria is to ask "Is America better off than when I helped elect him" leaving the 'I' out of the equation.  Personally I believe no one is better off than they were 7 years ago.  They have used up 7 years of their lifespan, hopefully learning more about why they were put here in the first place but probably not.  I once  heard it said that every person accumulates a dust pile during their life.  When they die, God comes along and kicks their pile into the air whereupon it settles on several other dust pines.  I think the meaning is we need to start giving others part of our pile rather than making it bigger  I believe God smiles on finding little to kick and can blow it away with one little puff.  In a little preparation for this effort I searched Google for some accomplishments during Obama''s tenure.  One site lists 309, which comes out to nearly 4 per month or 1 a week.  Not bad for a president who plays golf too much as he is accused of doing or going on too many vacations as counted by republicans.  People need to realize that when this country improves, everybody improves.  A rising tide lifts all boats equally, it's said.  When Obama was elected, George Bush had run us aground.  Obama first had to refill the water and get the boat unstuck before he could set a sail.  When he kept hitting either no wind or a contrary current, he just got out and rowed himself.
   Looking at the current crop of Republican candidates for president, I can't believe  any of them could tell bow from stern on ship "America."                                                                                                        

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