Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dress Codes

I think American men are so uptight about sex and so many other things is due to what is customarily known as business attire.  The biggest problem is the upper torso where they have little choice other than color.  Most politicians wear a light shade of blue because it shows up better on color TV pictures but they are required to wear a colorful rag around their neck on a shirt buttoned as tight as possible again around their neck.  In the rodeo game they tie a rope tightly around a bull's testicles to make him angry and he bucks wildly trying to free his balls.  Then they put a man aboard and he tries to stay atop for eight seconds or so. The bull probably doesn't even feel the man any more than he would feel a tick on his back.  I believe that psychologically human males feel the stricture around their neck and equate it with the bull's anger about the rope around his testicles and the tension created by society's unwritten rules.  If men would just wear a causal shirt with an open collar they could stop worrying about their balls and get along with each other a whole lot better.
   Women politicians are another breed of cat entirely.  I notice that so many of them are blessed wth humongous posteriors necessitating the wearing of pants suits.  From Hillary Clinton on down to Houston mayor Anise Parker women in pants suits are never photographed below their waists. Camera people have this unwritten rule probably out of fear for their own testicles.  Every so often a snapshot will slip through and you quickly agree with this photography rule.
   One day I'll discuss the Middle East and their night shirts and towels wrapped around their heads. The question exists that like the Scottish kilts, what's under those flowing gowns?  That's for another time though.  Check back.

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