Saturday, September 24, 2016

Trump and Hitler

     I keep reading comparisons of Trump and Hitler. But I see it seldom goes deeper than superficial stereotypes of Germans and Americans. My great grandparents came to America from Germany just prior to the Civil War in the mid 1800's. None of them took sides or fought in that war. Family lore says they did not believe in slavery and refused to employ people in bondage, Every person who worked on their farms was paid a fair wage, be they black, Mexican or white. I feel justly proud of my ancestors and have always tried to carry on their tradition.

     Many of my relatives stayed in Germany and those in both here and there were caught up in wars not of their choosing. The fact is that my great grandfather and his brother were draft dodgers and came here rather than fight in Austria. They were the real German people, not the rabble and trash assembled by Hitler. Trump is a lot like Hitler except his rabble and trash hate Black people instead of Jews. In Germany they called them Nazis. Here they haven't settled on a name yet as they seem to be mostly conservatives, republicans or just simply idiots. Neo-Nazis is usually suggested.
I think the Deplorable Party might be a good name.

     I think it was some WW2 politician who said governments go to war and drag reluctant people along who just want it over with so they can go home to their family and farm in peace. I think that's kind of a universal feeling among sane populations.


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