Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Trump Polls

     Something isn't making any sense to me. On the net, I read story after story how Trump is gaining over Clinton in the polls and the race is tightening. Then I read how Trump does one stupid thing after another to alienate voters and sabotage his own campaign.

     My question is where are these gains coming from? Are people leaving Clinton or Jones or Stein and moving to Trump? Are there that many undecided voters left at this late stage of the election? There are lies, damned lies, and statistics as Mark Twain said. We seldom see and hear all three at one time as  we do in this 2016 election for a new president.

     Someone out there in the Ethernet is feeding us patently false information. Who is lying and what are their reasons for doing so? Clinton has an interest in not appearing so far ahead that her supporters won't vote thinking it doesn't matter if they stay home. Trump is so ego driven that any suggestion he might be losing is anathema to him. The media will trumpet a close race to drive viewership as will the press and pundits. So what is one to do?

     Watch and wait is my suggestion and intention. As AA's big book advises us to "change what we can and accept what we cannot change." Real good advice for 12 steppers and also the general public.

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