Thursday, September 8, 2016

Home Chapter 12

     We woke this morning to the sound of saws, bulldozers and fifty foot high trees crashing to the ground. Upon learning the trees were being cleared to build a new fast food outlet. We watched heavy equipment uproot the trees and workers with chain saws denude the trunk which was cut into logs to be loaded on a truck for disposal. Yellow tape delineated the area to be cleared which didn't include our campsite but close enough to make staying too dangerous.

     Several people knew of an old abandoned site not far away. Des went to check it out and we decided to move there as soon as we could. We were hastened by a constable and the landowner threatening to charge us with trespassing if we weren't gone in two days. Our displaced leaders found a semi-relative to take them in. We loaded most of our belongings into two shopping carts and were ready to go. Jim was still using a walker to support his weak legs but he pushed one of the carts.

     Once out of the woods, John offered to drive us when he was able to find so jumper cables for his dead battery. A cold wind had sprung up as we finally got loaded and gone. At the new site, Robo had built a huge bonfire and helped us unload. We were grateful for the warmth as we spread blankets around for sleeping that first night.

     The morning brought a welcome surprise as some church members arrived with a new tent big enough for the three of us. That afternoon Ron and Robo erected the tent where Des wanted it. Just as a light cold rain began, we lay dry under warm blankets inside our new home. We talked that night how our life had changed so fast and how we dealt with it with help from our friends, To be honest we were a little proud of ourselves.

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