Friday, September 30, 2016

Vaporism Explained

     This comes from vaporware in the computer age. It is hardware or software that usually doesn't exist yet or being worked on although it can apply to any project in any field that only really exists in someone's mind and is not usable yet as a final product.

     In my own mind this applies perfectly to Donald Trump's fantasy revolution that he believes in so fanatically. At this stage it is vapor like steam from a teakettle that one can dispel with a waving hand. He works every day to solidify that vapor and to help him out I created the Vaporite Party that will try to report his every positive gesture he makes although his negative gestures are more frequent and a lot more fun to watch.

     Basically Trump is more vapor than anything else and what will he do after his practical joke about a presidential campaign destroys the Republican and Conservative parties. My guess he and his people will enlist Glen Beck, steal his TV show and start their own political party with his fervent followers. Maybe he will bribe me to shut up, I'm hoping.

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