Friday, September 16, 2016

Home Chapter 16

          The sporadic rains continued for a time as Spring came to a close. Robo had taken a tarp that had covered our flooded tent and constructed a canopy that kept the rain away from our front door and created a dry area to sit outside even it was raining. Robo was a strange duck. He could be your best friend one day and turn into your worst affliction depending on his alcohol intake and his immersion in his own delusions. He cleaned up his flooded area and continued living close by. Ron, on the other hand entered an extended rehab program and was seen no more.

     We were wakened every morning by a pair of Cardinals talking to each other as the male checked the area for predators before giving his mate a tweet that it was ok for her to come down. She came and sat on a twig in some low bushes. He went down on the ground and looked over the food Des had left out for them last night. He finally selected a choice morsel and flew up to her and passed it from his beak to hers. He repeated this numerous times until she was satisfied, then he made one more trip to eat himself. Seeing this act of love between two birds set the tone for the rest of the day.
Finally a flock of Blue Jays arrived and their noisy and raucous chatter caused every animal or bird left to disappear.

     Oscar had been up for some time urging Des to get dressed and get started with their morning walk. As soon as the door was unzipped he bolted for the path. Des had to call him to stop and come back for his leash. He came shaking with anticipation as his leash was attached and they set off down the trail. Halfway to their destination they had to cross a street. She had to stop Oscar once to be careful and showing his intelligence and understanding, the next time he stopped and looked for traffic on his own before crossing. At last they came to the Walmart store where his friends worked. He gave out his loudest arrival bark that was heard all through the store. Workers came out and greeted him every morning and looked forward to meeting him. It seemed he made a new friend every time he came out and he recognized every one of them and shook with excitement whenever he saw someone he knew. At last they headed home and crossed an empty field before the woods. After entering the field Des removed his leash and said run Oscar, run like the wind. He joyously obeyed and left as fast as he could go, across the field, up the service road to the opening in the bushes that led to the path home, jumped a log across the trail and entered the path up the hill. Jim could see him coming at least sixty feet away, ears flapping like a bird's wings about to take off. He slid to a stop under the canopy waiting for Des to give him breakfast.

     All too soon as it does for all of God's creatures, age crept up on him. His joyful prancing around Des became a painful walk. At last God in his mercy called him home. He lay beside Jim and with the last of his strength crawled to Des and took his last breath with her hands holding him. Jim and Des cried the rest of that terrible night. The next day or so, Des helped with his burial and decorated his grave. We tried to go on with life but the impetus wasn't there any more, We realized more and more that Oscar had been the glue that held everything together. Jim's health was failing as was Des's. We had to make some hard decisions sooner rather than later.

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