Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Punishment for Truth

     This will my last post on the dust-up from Daily Kos. I have written a blog and published it long before I submitted anything to Daily Kos this time around although I joined in 2002 and submitted several comments in 2003. After a long hiatus I had to join again in the last year or so. After 90 or more postings without incidents I published a conversation with two holocaust survivors who didn't see other's being killed and someone at Kos decided that was proof of my holocaust denial which doesn't exist and never has.

    I've been banned from posting on Daily Kos because I related a conversation with two Auschwitz survivors about their personal experiences during a war that ended over seventy years ago. When two people stand in front of me with tattoos on their arms from a concentration camp they were in as teenagers and tell me their ordeal that at times seem at odds with the official story, am I to call them liars. I never said the Holocaust didn't happen at all, just that it didn't happen to two obviously live persons sitting across from me. One trained as a seamstress, the other as a cook in that prison.

      I have since done research on Auschwitz and learned that the camp encompassed an area of over 15 square miles. If I were confined to and worked in Humble Tx. I could truthfully say I never saw anybody killed in Spring. Tx. 10 miles  away. Other than one conversation, I never felt the need to question or elicit more details. Ingrid probably worked in one of the many industries around the area and used cheap labor the SS charged them for using Auschwitz prisoners in their plants and factories.

     To say I am disappointed in intolerance by people who purported preach freedom of thought. I realize that Kos is a personal democratic website and can censor whatever they choose. However, it's very unfair to accuse me of denial of a subject I have never mentioned in any of the over ninety posts I have made without incident over this last year. And really don't care about one way or the other. I have enjoyed posting there and receiving the comments of other people. If it is to be no more because I touched someone's exposed nerve. So be it.

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