Monday, September 12, 2016

Home Chapter 14

      Des had located a stand of undisturbed trees in a section across a service road from our original section of land. With the help of friends all of our stuff was moved there included our tent parts. Jim came with his walker. He fell twice before he got there indicating his legs were weakening, a result of childhood polio. He decided it was dangerous to use the walker anymore so he was reduced to crawling if he wanted to go out.

     After Des decided where she wanted the tent placed, it was erected on a rise along the clearing edge and Jim and Oscar moved in. Ron pitched his tent in a small clearing many yards downhill from us. Robo was evicted from his trailer home, obtained a tent and set up a distance opposite from us and Ron so our lives picked up where we were before the move and continued for a time.

     The morning quiet was broken by Oscar's strident bark of danger outside. Officer Travis had found us and came with a number of cops to harass us once again. Des was handcuffed on the ground and Jim ordered to crawl out holding Oscar by his collar as he was all in attack mode. He slipped out of his collar and made straight for Des on the ground ready to defend her at any cost. Des calmed him some and ordered him back to Jim. For once he minded her and returned to defending Jim who held him bodily to keep him from attacking anyone who came close. All the while barking out threats and warnings at full volume. A Dachshund behind a door sounds a lot like a two hundred pound Mastiff.

     At last after finding no drugs or anything illegal they went away berating Travis for this wild goose chase. Both of us were rightly proud of Oscar's defense and defiance of a threat to his family. Once we were settled in a very light sprinkle wet the dirt outside. A harbinger of Spring weather with more to come.

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