Monday, September 5, 2016

Trumpland Discovered

     Explorers have stumbled on remains of a small country in the Alps that was once surrounded by some sort of wall. Natives around the area remembered talk of a country with a wall. It was originally thought by the inhabitants to have been to keep the rabble out, the rabble consisting of people who didn't agree with them. i.e. most of the civilized world. Actually it was a good idea to keep insane people isolated as much as possible so their building such a wall was a godsend economically. The inmates were paying for their own asylum.

      From artifacts left behind archaeologists have been able to tell these people were a particularly nasty bunch. They treated their women worse than their cattle. They had no concern for their health, welfare or happiness other than maintaining their ability to have sex and babies. This was considered all women were good for and never allowed them to complain or actually say anything

    The climate there was terrible and varied with the position of the cloud overhead. Some put forth  ideas to plant crops that did well in shade rather than sun but they were shouted down by nearly everyone. The reason they said was their god wanted it that way. For this, the people were always hungry and ill-natured.

     The god they had created in their image was a vengeful and easily provoked deity. For this reason they were very careful of their associations and support of new ideas. Their idea of  doing nothing and saying no to any new plan or idea was the best way to worship and placate someone they believed lived somewhere in the sky and could see everything.

     Catastrophe came about a hundred and fifty years ago when earthquakes in that area destroyed the wall and like malignant microbes that combine to create a disease, the inhabitants escaped and infested the new American nation. They called themselves Republicans and soon took control of what had been a beneficial political party.

     Unfortunately they brought their sick way of life with them. They still all despise any female and to have one in a position to control them is unthinkable. They are still fearful of saying yes rather than no as usual. They have picked a leader; one Donald J. Trump who embodies their entire former life in walled asylum.

      Fortunately civilization today like their ancestors recognized insanity when it appeared and once again will try to isolate these individuals. But we have progressed from a wall and rely on sane people to vote against any Republican and thus protect our progress and our future. It's our only chance to stop madness in it's tracks.

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