Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday Morning Revelations

     I hope this morning brings me news of exactly why I was cut off from posting anything on Daily Kos this weekend and whether the ban is still in effect this morning and what transgression I'm deemed guilty of exactly.

     I tried reposting with my conversation with Morris and Ingrid deleted which I assumed was the problem. All I've been able to get on the blogging link is "page not found (404) the page you were looking for doesn't exist." Actually we talked over an hour. Unfortunately this occurred at a family holiday gathering where I met them a few years ago and they are now both deceased and it never occurred to me to record a private personal conversation. I never took it to mean it was the same at Dachau or Buchenwald. They were only at Auschwitz and only spoke of people and conditions there they saw or heard.

     Daily Kos needs to post some definite rules for posting do's and don'ts. Like the fact that the word conspiracy is a no-no regardless of context as I once found out the hard way.

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