Saturday, September 3, 2016

Voting Democrat

          Thanks to Democrats and the federal courts, I'm awaiting my absentee ballot in the mail. Republicans did all they could to keep me from voting at all especially since I'm a registered Democrat. What's even worse in their eyes they don't know yet I'm going to vote a strait Democratic ticket.

           Although I live in a red state my vote won't be wasted as if I voted for a third party. With the increasing number of black Americans and the new emphasis on legal Mexicans voting along with votes like mine, this state could turn blue in a heartbeat.

         If we could then rid ourselves of the Republican infestation and send ignorant voters back under the rocks they crawled out from, then we could rejoin the human race. We could enjoy expanded Medicaid and stop throwing old people out of rest homes due to lack of funds. We could revitalize our schools with the money Republican leadership stole from federal funds for education. And our governor wouldn't get big bribes from Donald Trump for turning a blind eye to malfeasance in our court system.

      As Dylan sings "the times they are a changin'." The sooner rich white ignorant old coots realize it, the better.

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