Saturday, January 16, 2016


      Chronic is both a noun and an adjective.  The noun is a variety of kick-ass marijuana .  The adjective refers to a condition that is both persistent and progressive like the copd  I cope with.  I've been told I should write about it. My question is why?  First, I don't write documentaries. My interests and thoughts are all focused outward, seldom inward.  A quick look at Google show me that most people have no such reticence.  I notice people writing personal blogs about anything regarding their health and bodies.  They write about anything from cancer to the heartbreak of psoriasis.  From their dandruff to their hemorrhoids to their athletes foot, nothing is off-limits.
     I think concentrating on some infirmity makes it worse.  We are blessed where I live with an ersatz Donald Trump who continually blows his own horn.  The more we pay attention the worse he gets. When we  ignore him he goes away.  A chronic condition won't go away,  but it's  effect is often mitigated.

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