Thursday, January 14, 2016

Clown Car

     The republican clown Volkswagen is parked in South Carolina tonight.  Don't know yet how many players we will see tonight and how many might have fallen off on the way over.
     Turns out only Rand Paul figured out that keeping up with this bunch of losers and used his demotion to the Santorum forum to save face, stay home and quit wasting billionaire's money  Without realizing it, Rand just proved himself more intelligent than the rest of the field.  The rest stayed to make fools of themselves for the next hour or two.  It started at 8:00 PM.  How long it will run I don't know because I realized I was wasting time I could use to watch my lawn grass grow or watch the traffic light change colors so often on the street corner.  Both more edifying than watching a convention of Pinocchio's competing to prove they can grow the longest nose at the  party.
     If you were able to stomach all the misinformation, errors and outright bald faced lies to make it to the closing bell, you have earned my heartfelt admiration.   

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